
Make YouTube Your Tube

The world's second-largest search engine, the Encyclopedia of the internet, the most underrated channel for social media marketing: YouTube. However you see it, no doubt, it's being seen. An estimated 800-million people worldwide visit YouTube every month. And if your...

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Video News

People are subscribing to the print form of newspapers/magazines less and less. People now just get their news digitally, online for free. This has become an ongoing issue and now forced these types of media to require buy valacyclovir uk payment in many ways, whether...

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Video Production

I want to talk about the basics of video production. The production of a video is made up of three phases: Pre-production, Production and Post-production. Pre-production is the planning of the video. I mean who the target viewers are, the purpose of the message you...

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6 Elements of a Photo

Line(s)- Lines can be used to lead a viewer to a certain point of a photo. Lines can draw a viewer into the photo or lead them away. Lines can cause the emotion of guiding, active, threatening, etc. Lines can be various lengths, go in all directions and be any...

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Interesting Topic: Selecting a Good Photo

Questions to ask yourself when selecting a good photo: Question 1: Is there clear center of interest? The subject should take up most of the picture and create the viewer's first impression. Your eyes may wander from the subject to other parts of the photo, but they...

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Interesting Topic: Lighting Technology

Let's face it! Technology is constantly changing. Every time we buy something, a couple months later something better comes out. In the video production world it happens frequently. I want to talk about Light Emitting Diode (LED) lightbulbs. There are many ways that...

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Client Satisfaction Survey

Below is a link to our Client Satisfaction Survey. Please take the time to fill it out if you have worked with us before. We are anxious to hear from you. Thank you for your time.

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Interesting Topic: Green Screen Help

Life's Eyes generic valtrex Media is starting an "Interesting Topics" campaign to post topics or adviceĀ in Video Production and Post Video Production, Media Training, Event Production, Public Relations and Marketing. This is Jim Logsdon's Site. After reading through...

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LEM’s Year in Review

It's been a tough year for many.  I have more people approaching me looking for a job than I have potential clients approaching me for work.  While this is hard to stomach for many, I'm looking at the silver lining.  The talent many couldn't afford just...

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Happy National Frog Month – It’s a Real Thing!

It's time to celebrate - April is National Frog Month! And that's no "croak." OK, forgive our frog-themed puns. But this is one recognition month with which we can get on board. In honor of our amphibian friends, we thought we would take a moment to tell you WHY...

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Putting Your Best Face Forward

Today, we are attending the Ohio chapter of the National Speaker Association's annual meeting in Columbus, Ohio. We were thrilled to hear one of the keynote speakers say, "In our business (professional speakers,) it is mandatory to have video on your website, and you...

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Video Content Changes the Face of Traditional Marketing Companies will continue to analyze their marketing plans as we enter 2011. Traditional marketing approaches will be reconsidered as they have become less effective in reaching their target audiences. Businesses...

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