Ask the Experts….Video on the Go

QUESTION: How can mobile video move your business? ANSWER: One minute of video is worth 1.8 million words. One hour of YouTube video is uploaded every second.  And two-thirds of global mobile data traffic will be video by 2017.  Video is where it’s at.  Mobile...

Ask the Experts…YouTube

Topic: How can businesses use YouTube to leverage brand? Advice: YouTube is the world’s second-largest search engine, and, for a growing number of businesses, the first choice in cost-effective brand enhancement. Your organization should: Invest in video....

Ask the Experts…Online Video

Topic: How can video transform your organization’s Internet presence? Advice: An estimated 100 million Internet users watch some form of online video every day. Every metric shows video increases online sales, click-throughs, stickiness, brand awareness and...