Today, video rules–with a vengeance. Dr. James McQuivey of Forrester Research has determined that one minute of online marketing video is worth 1.8 million words. Facebook, a decade old and fighting hard to stay top dog in social media, is listening.
Lesson One: Move it or lose it. The image, that is.
In October, Facebook announced some big changes to the functionality of its user profiles. All of the changes are about enriching UX (user experience) through more and better visual stimulation. Perhaps the most insightful change is the ability for users to create a seven-second looping video as a profile "picture." This simple change leverages a simple principle. Our brains crave moving images. Research shows we are neurologically wired to receive them in a deeper, richer, more lasting way than images that don't move. Simply put, our brains are built for video.
Lesson Two: Video drives engagement; engagement drives data; data drives dollars.
Facebook knows where its bread is buttered. Its advertising engine can u order valtrex online needs a steady diet of up-to-date user data to maximize revenue. Enabling users to put more and more interesting biographical material (video) front and center gets them to update their information more often. At the same time, the extra video-inspired interest makes users more willing to link back and forth, creating extra traffic–and extra clicks through ads. No matter an organization's business model, spiking engagement with stakeholders is a good thing.
Lesson Three: Video feeds brand credibility–and bankability.
In brand marketing, perception is reality. Proper use of video in strategic campaigns and initiatives historically makes a brand appear "bigger" next to its competitors. To that point, Facebook is working to create the perception that it's "home base" for a user's online life–other social media sites, just an afterthought. Video becomes a differentiator to separate Facebook from the pack, particularly from Twitter, the number two social media destination. At ten years old, Facebook sees video as a vehicle to stay number one.