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This is a lifelong pursuit for every communicator, but there are a few tricks that can help you "fake it 'til you make it."  And, psychologically speaking, "pretending" to be confident can actually help you become more confident.

First, there's no substitute for effective preparation.  No amount of technique can replace a well-considered, well-built message.  That being said:

1. Marshall your movement.  Eliminate fidgeting, rocking from side to side, and pacing.  Instead, be fluid, purposeful, and, yes, graceful when you choose to move.

2. Monitor your posture. If you're standing, do what Mom always told you to, and stand up straight. If you're seated, sit up straight. This will help you appear "bigger" and more powerful in front of your audience, and enable order valtrex your breathing to be deeper and more calming.

3. Look 'em in the eye. Maintain steady, purposeful eye contact, but don't try to take in the whole audience at once, and don't stare someone down. Instead, slowly and deliberately distribute the focus from person to person or from one section of the room to another.

4. Show your hands. Don't hide them in your pockets. Don't pull your earlobe, smooth your hair, or rub your chin. All of these moves are defensive. They communicate weakness. Instead, keep your hands in front of you. Open your arms. Show your palms. Remember, "open" body language says to your audience, "Welcome," and "I'm confident," in a way words simply can't.