Apologizing for every small offense (and even for things you have no control over!) can make you seem submissive, insecure, and unsure.
These are not the impressions we want to make as powerful, purposeful, persuasive communicators. And women are especially prone to saying, "I'm sorry" too much. So why do women do it? We can derive some insight from a study in Psychological Science in which researchers examined the assumption that women apologize more than men.
True to cliché', women did indeed apologize more than men. But the most interesting finding was why. Turns out, women perceived that they had both committed more offenses and had more offenses committed against them. Men just weren't as sensitive to offense, given or taken. When men did perceive they had done something wrong, they apologized.
Fact is, there are proven buy valtrex online safely differences in the way the genders acculturate that lead to proven differences in the way we communicate. The female tendency to apologize too much is pervasive, so much so that it drove the 2014 Procter & Gamble Pantene shampoo commercial entitled "Not Sorry" which was received with mixed reviews and eventually removed from Pantene's website and social media channels. The phenomenon has also sparked articles in the New York Times and Forbes as well as extensive scientific research.
At the end of the day, the key is to be aware of this gender difference in communication, and ensure it doesn't sabotage your message or your personal brand. Did you do something wrong? Is the problem your fault? Did you hurt someone? If you didn't, don't apologize. Be polite. Not subservient.