Transcend Hospice Marketing Group

A hospice marketing group partners with Life’s Eyes Media to share the story of a young athlete with an incurable disease in order to educate on hospice services and break stereotypes.

Lauren Hill, a young woman from Indiana, was dying from an inoperable brain cancer and receiving in-home hospice care.  Her goal was to raise $1 million for cancer research and play college basketball – both of which she accomplished prior to passing. Transcend Hospice Marketing Group wished to use Lauren’s positive experience in hospice to dispel stereotypes and encourage people to utilize hospice services sooner.  Life’s Eyes Media was the perfect partner to produce two videos on a difficult and emotional subject matter while respecting Lauren and her family.  The video news release received national attention and is still the most viewed of the stories shared on the national hospice organization website “Moments of Life” feature.

Watch the Video Watch the Second Video


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May 31, 2016