Let’s face it! Technology is constantly changing. Every time we buy something, a couple months later something better comes out. In the video production world it happens frequently. I want to talk about Light Emitting Diode (LED) lightbulbs. There are many ways that LED lights benefit us, but these three ways I’m going to mention are particularly on my mind.

One way LED lights benefit us is that they use fewer circuits. When a crew is on a shoot they tend to worry about overloading a circuit. With LED lights you can connect some together and it won’t effect the quality.

Another way is the variability in using them indoors and outdoors. There are application kits you can buy that allow them to be used outdoor and still get the same quality.

Lastly, they emit no heat, or at most low heat. This means no wearing gloves or waiting around for them to cool to pack them up when the shoot is over.

I am anxious to see how technology will continue to affect the video production world.