Event Production

We're a full service audio visual company located in Northern Kentucky and providing services to Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana and Tennessee. We're excited to bring your creative vision to life on stage – live or recorded, streamed or in-person.

Event Production

As a full-service AV company, we plan and run your whole show, so you can stay focused on the big picture.

Hybrid & Virtual Events
We have the equipment and experience to get your message across in any format.
Stage Design We design creative, custom stages that put the spotlight on your brand.
Audiovisual Equipment, onsite support, and technical direction for impactful events and engaged attendees
Event Technology Interactive displays, iPads and laptops, and live webcasting or event recording.



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MM slash DD slash YYYY
What are your needs?*
Accepted file types: docx, xlsx, pdf, jpeg, jpg, Max. file size: 4 MB.
(Word, Excel, PDF, JPEG – max file size 4MB)

It's okay if the project parameters change – this information serves as the starting point for our conversation.

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